A person injured in a hostile action who is not capable of working (according to a medical report as a certified by an NII doctor) is entitled, during that period, to a medical treatment benefit (MTB), provided that he is not being paid a salary or other compensation during that period of time.
To learn more about submitting a claim for benefit during medical treatment, click here.
Other benefits paid to him during that period are deducted from this benefit.
Period of payment: Up to 9 months from the date of the injury. Payment after 9 months is contingent upon approval by the NII Medical Affairs Office.
For people who were not working before the injury
The benefit for a person who has no children, or whose children are grown (over age 18), is equivalent to 97% of the salary of a civil servant at grade 22 on the administrative scale - NIS 7,422.19 (as of Jul 01, 2024). A person who is hospitalized for 14 or more consecutive days receives 75% of the above benefit.
The parents of young children (up to 18 years of age) are entitled to a benefit of 125.8% of the salary of a civil servant at grade 22 on the administrative scale - NIS 4,812.6 (as of Jul 01, 2024).
For people who were working before the injury
The payment to a person who was working before the injury (whether a salaried employee or self-employed), is calculated according to his average income (after deduction of income tax, national and health insurance contribution) during the three months that preceded the "determining date" (the date of the injury or the date on which payment is required). In any case, the benefit may not exceed the maximum payment received by an Israeli soldier doing reserve duty, and may not be less than the benefit received by a person who was not working before the injury.
An employee who receives a salary from his employer during the period of incapacity - In such a case the benefit is transferred directly to the employer who credits the employee's balance of sick days / vacation days (written confirmation from the employer regarding the payment should be attached to the application). In this case, the employer is also entitled to reimbursement of the amounts that he paid into various fringe benefit funds for the employee during that period. This reimbursement is also paid directly to the employer.
A self-employed worker is entitled to a benefit in the amount paid to a person who was not working before the injury, and to a higher amount if he proves, by means of tax assessments, that the rate of reduction in his income during the period of incapacity was larger.
Injured persons up to 18 years of age
Injured persons 14-18 years of age who were not working before the start of their entitlement to benefits receive half the amount paid to a person over the age of 18 who did not work before his injury. If they were hospitalized for 14 or more consecutive days, they receive a reduced benefit.
Injured persons 14-18 years of age who worked at regular jobs (before their entitlement to the benefit) receive a benefit according to their income (after deduction of income tax, national and health insurance contributions), but no less than the benefit received by others their age who did not work before entitlement to the benefit.
Children under the age of 14 are not entitled to a benefit during medical treatment, but can submit a claim for a disability benefit. The degree of their disability will be set from the date of the injury.