Marriage grant and grant for moving into a new home

    • Persons with a disability degree of 10% (receiving a monthly benefit) who are married or live with a common-law spouse, are entitled to a marriage grant, provided that they were not married (were single, divorced or widowed) before being primary recognized as disabled. The grant is rendered once and determined according to the degree of disability.
    • Persons with a special disability degree of 100% are entitled to a special grant upon marriage or moving into a new home (primary arrangements grants). If they have not married, but have moved into a new home, they shall receive 70% of the grant upon moving in and the remaining 30% when married.

Submitting a grant request:

The application for both grants must be submitted to the Victims of Hostilities Department of your local branch of the National Insurance, within one year of the change of marital status, and the relevant documents must be attached of the NII (marriage certificate/legal common-law agreement, rental contract etc.).

Documents can be sent through the website's documents sending service.