Increment for funding of special needs ("Help of others")

The criteria for the payment of an increment for funding of special needs is paid to disabled person according to their degree of disability, age and marital status. The criteria are based on the severity of the injury and the disabled person's difficulties in performing routine daily tasks – i.e. To what extent they are dependent on another person in performing tasks such as eating, bathing etc. This difficulty is measured using a unit called "weight". The value of the weights varies in accordance with special provisions issued by the minister of defence and fluctuations in the cost of living allowance. The number of weights attributed to the entitled person determines the amount of payment which he or she shall receive. Payment is made on a monthly basis and added to the disability benefit paid to.  

Basic payment according to degree of disability (as of Jan 01, 2025) 

Level of disability




NIS 412.2



NIS 618.3

50% - 59%


NIS 618.3

60% - 69 %


NIS 824.4

70% - 79%


NIS 1,030.5

80% - 100%


NIS 1,236.6


Special conditions entitling to addition of weights:

    • Disabled persons who have become widows/widowers as long as they are widowed, or who have reached retirement age, with a disability level of 50% to 100% – receive twice the amount of the payment stated in the table.
    • Disabled persons who have reached the age of 70 with a disability level of 50% to 100%
      A. In 2002 – are entitled to an addition of two weights.
      B. From 2003 onwards – are entitled to an addition of four weights.
    • Single, widowed or divorced persons who have a child below the age of 15:
      A. With a disability level of 40% to 65% – 29 weights.
      B. With a disability level of 66% to 100% – 36 weights.
      C. Parents of minors over the age of 15 and under the age of 18 years are entitled, starting from 2003, to an addition of 23-31 weights, according to level of their disability.
    • Women in the last three months of their pregnancy and six months following childbirth:
      A. With a disability level of 50% to 99% – 68 weights.
      B. With a disability level of 100% – 102 weights.
      C. Starting from 2002:
      D. With a disability level of 10% to 19% (who receive a monthly benefit), as a result of leucometria – 12 weights.
      E. With a disability level of 20% to 49% – 24 weights.
    • Persons suffering from  a heart injury with a disability level of 40% and above receive the increment for funding their special needs according to their overall level of disability (not only the level of disability as a result of acts of hostilities).
    • Spouses of deceased disabled persons (when the death did not result from the injury), who are entitled to the number of weights determined for their spouses prior to their demise, are entitled to benefit for a period of three years. If the disabled person was at least 65 years old and received a double payment – that double payment shall be paid to their spouse as well. 

Payment by type of injury

for disabled person not employing an escort and only for the types of injuries listed below:

Full payment for a single disability, the higher of the two, with an addition of 50% of the payment for the second disability, provided that they do not receive additional payment for escorts, guardians or an addition of weights (beyond the number determined for that injury type).

    • Married men with a disability degree of 100% whose wives are hospitalized or are at bed rest due to pregnancy complications and up to three months following childbirth are entitled to the same payment as unmarried men with that status.
    • Married men with a special disability degree whose wives have reached the age of 40 – are entitled to the same payment as married men with that status.
    • A disabled woman with a special disability degree of 100% is entitled, starting from the sixth month of her pregnancy, to a payment which is double than that paid to a married woman in that status, until her children reach the age of 15.
    • Divorced invalid men with a special disability degree of 100%, who are fathers of a child under the age of 15 are entitled to an addition of weights as follows:
      - If the child is under their custody and lives with them – 30 weights.
      - If the child is not under their custody – 15 weights.
    • Invalids with a special disability degree of 100% who have twins or more children born, are entitled to an addition of 30 weights to the figure stated in the table, until the children reach two years of age.