- Average Wage under National Insurance Law (1)
Under the National Insurance Law, the average wage is calculated according to a method determined in the Law, on January 1st of every year, and afterwards each time that a compensation is paid.
- basic amount (2)
The amount according to which most of the benefits are calculated as of January 1, 2006. The basic amount is adjusted on January 1st of every year at the rate of the previous year’s rise in the Consumer Price Index.
- basic amount 1 (3)
Used to update birth grant, maternity allowance, work-injury and private accident benefits, Bar-Mitzvah grant, volunteers’ benefit and death grant.
- basic amount 2 (4)
Used to update child allowances and allowance credit in income support.
- basic amount 3 (5)
Used to update benefits not updated under basic amounts 1,2 and 4, and calculation of the maximum income for purposes of collection of contributions
- basic amount 4 (190)
For general disability pension and any allowance whose rate depends thereon
- basic benefit/maximum benefit (6)
A monthly payment as defined in law, to those entitled to it under the various insurance branches.
- benefit (17)
Any cash benefit, or cash-equivalent benefit, provided by the National Insurance Institute (under the National Insurance Law)
- child (14)
The son or daughter of an insured person (including foster child, adopted child and grandchild supported entirely by the insured person, except for a married child) who meets one of the following conditions: *up to age 18; *if completing his studies at a post-elementary educational institution or studying in a framework to complete matriculation exams, or having a learning disability and studying in a framework recognized by the NII– up to age 20; *if in a pre-army IDF framework – up to age 20;* if a volunteer in a framework of public service for up to 12 months and his army service is deferred due to this volunteering – up to age 21; *if serving compulsory service in the IDF – up to age 24; *if serving in the voluntary National Service – up to age 24;*if studying in an "atuda" framework and deferring army service due to studies – up to age 24.
- close company (153)
A company controlled by 5 people at the most A couple or members of one family who hold a share of the company’s stock, no matter what share, join their stock together.
- compensation (7)
Payment of Cost-of-Living Increment calculated according to the Index, or payment of an advance on the Cost-of-Living Increment, or payment of compensation to employed workers for rise in prices.
- constant prices (162)
A valuation expressed at the prices prevailing during a fixed reference or base period.
- controlling shareholder (152)
A person holding at least 10% of the company shares or entitled to appoint a director
- current prices (161)
A valuation expressed at prices prevailing during the period being referred to.
- daily minimum wage for a five-day work week (10)
The minimum daily wage for those employed on the basis of a five-day work week was 159.53 New Israel Shekels.
- daily minimum wage for a six-day work week (9)
The minimum daily wage for those employed on the basis of a six-day work week was 132.26 New Israel Shekels.
- hourly wage (11)
The minimum hourly wage is 1/186 of the monthly minimum, or 18.58 New Israel Shekels.
- Israeli resident (12)
A person whose life is centered in Israel. Criteria for determining this include: Israel is your permanent place of residence, where your family resides, where your children go to school, your primary place of work, or where you are studying.
- monthly minimum wage (8)
The minimum wage which is paid to those employed on a monthly basis.
- qualifying period (158)
A consecutive or non-consecutive period during which a person must be insured as one of the conditions of entitlement to a benefit
- reduced allowance (136)
According to the various Arrangements laws, the allowance is reduced by a rate of 4%. The sums hereby specified are amounts after the reduction. The reduction is deducted from payment after calculation of the benefit you are due.
- retirement age (15)
The age at which you will be entitled to the old-age pension, on condition that your income from work and from other sources does not exceed a certain amount. Income from work pension is not taken into account. Retirement is set at age 67 for men and 62-65, according to birth date, for women.
- sole-parent (13)
A widow/widower, divorced person or single person who has custody of a child/children up to age 18 living with him and he does not live with a common-law spouse. Also, a person separated from spouse, under certain conditions.
- wage-replacing benefit (16)
Maternity allowance, risk pregnancy benefit, injury allowance or severance pay.