Contact us

During your service abroad you will be able to contact us by the following means:

Internet site

On the internet site, you will be able to download forms, send documents directly to the handling branch, submit claims online, verify eligibility for benefits, get personal information on the Personal Service website, update bank account information and more. Moreover, personal inquiries and general questions can be sent.

Personal Service  

Before leaving the country, we recommend that you sign up for the Personal Service website and order a code

On the site you will be able to receive personal information on a wide range of subjects, sign up for a service of reception of messages and letters by email, order authorizations and perform online operations. The service is provided by means of a user code and PIN code, which can be ordered on the National Insurance Institute's website.

Call center for overseas callers

Call center's number: 972-8-9369669.
The following services are provided by the call center: general information, personal inquiries and information, ordering authorizations, payment of insurance contributions arrears, ordering payment vouchers and forms.